1. ebci::cz
    Neighborhood effects data from Chetty and Hendren (2018)
  2. multe::fl
    ECLS data from Fryer and Levitt (2013)
  3. RDHonest::cghs
    Oreopoulos (2006) UK general household survey dataset
  4. RDHonest::headst
    Head Start data from Ludwig and Miller (2007)
  5. RDHonest::lee08
    Lee (2008) US House elections dataset
  6. RDHonest::rcp
    Battistin, Brugiavini, Rettore, and Weber (2009) retirement consumption puzzle dataset
  7. RDHonest::rebp
    Austrian unemployment duration data from Lalive (2008)
  8. ShiftShareSE::ADH
    Dataset from Autor, Dorn and Hanson (2013)