Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples


This package implements small-sample degrees of freedom adjustments to robust and cluster-robust standard errors in linear regression, as discussed in Imbens and Kolesár (2016). The implementation can handle models with fixed effects, and cases with a large number of observations or clusters


To give some examples, let us construct an artificial dataset with 11 clusters

d1 <- data.frame(y = rnorm(1000), x1 = c(rep(1, 3), rep(0,
    997)), x2 = c(rep(1, 150), rep(0, 850)), x3 = rnorm(1000),
    cl = as.factor(c(rep(1:10, each = 50), rep(11, 500))))

Let us first run a regression of y on x1. This is a case in which, in spite of moderate data size, the effective number of observations is small since there are only three treated units:

r1 <- lm(y ~ x1, data = d1)
## No clustering
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate HC1 se HC2 se Adj. se     df p-value
#> (Intercept)  0.00266 0.0311  0.031  0.0311 996.00   0.932
#> x1           0.12940 0.8892  1.088  2.3743   2.01   0.916

We can see that the usual robust standard errors (HC1 se) are much smaller than the effective standard errors (Adj. se), which are computed by taking the HC2 standard errors and applying a degrees of freedom adjustment.

Now consider a cluster-robust regression of y on x2. There are only 3 treated clusters, so the effective number of observations is again small:

r1 <- lm(y ~ x2, data = d1)
# Default Imbens-Kolesár method
dfadjustSE(r1, clustervar = d1$cl)
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate HC1 se HC2 se Adj. se   df p-value
#> (Intercept)  -0.0236 0.0135 0.0169  0.0222 4.94  0.2215
#> x2            0.1778 0.0530 0.0621  0.1157 2.43  0.0826
# Bell-McCaffrey method
dfadjustSE(r1, clustervar = d1$cl, IK = FALSE)
#> Coefficients:
#>             Estimate HC1 se HC2 se Adj. se   df p-value
#> (Intercept)  -0.0236 0.0135 0.0169  0.0316 2.42  0.2766
#> x2            0.1778 0.0530 0.0621  0.1076 2.70  0.0731

Now, let us run a regression of y on x3, with fixed effects. Since we’re only interested in x3, we specify that we only want inference on the second element (the first one being the intercept):

r1 <- lm(y ~ x3 + cl, data = d1)
dfadjustSE(r1, clustervar = d1$cl, ell = 2)
#> Coefficients:
#>    Estimate HC1 se HC2 se Adj. se   df p-value
#> x3   0.0261 0.0463 0.0595  0.0928 3.23   0.688
dfadjustSE(r1, clustervar = d1$cl, ell = 2, IK = FALSE)
#> Coefficients:
#>    Estimate HC1 se HC2 se Adj. se   df p-value
#> x3   0.0261 0.0463 0.0595  0.0928 3.23   0.688

Finally, an example in which the clusters are large. We have 500,000 observations:

d2 <-"rbind", replicate(500, d1, simplify = FALSE))
d2$y <- rnorm(length(d2$y))
r2 <- lm(y ~ x2, data = d2)
#> Call:
#> lm(formula = y ~ x2, data = d2)
#> Residuals:
#>    Min     1Q Median     3Q    Max 
#> -5.073 -0.675  0.000  0.675  4.789 
#> Coefficients:
#>              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#> (Intercept) -0.000991   0.001535   -0.65     0.52
#> x2          -0.003590   0.003963   -0.91     0.37
#> Residual standard error: 1 on 499998 degrees of freedom
#> Multiple R-squared:  1.64e-06,   Adjusted R-squared:  -3.59e-07 
#> F-statistic: 0.821 on 1 and 5e+05 DF,  p-value: 0.365
# Default Imbens-Kolesár method
dfadjustSE(r2, clustervar = d2$cl)
#> Coefficients:
#>              Estimate  HC1 se  HC2 se Adj. se   df p-value
#> (Intercept) -0.000991 0.00133 0.00168 0.00294 2.66   0.603
#> x2          -0.003590 0.00483 0.00568 0.00997 2.65   0.578
# Bell-McCaffrey method
dfadjustSE(r2, clustervar = d2$cl, IK = FALSE)
#> Coefficients:
#>              Estimate  HC1 se  HC2 se Adj. se   df p-value
#> (Intercept) -0.000991 0.00133 0.00168 0.00315 2.42   0.607
#> x2          -0.003590 0.00483 0.00568 0.00984 2.70   0.577


This section describes the implementation of the Imbens and Kolesár (2016) and Bell and McCaffrey (2002) degrees of freedom adjustments.

There are S clusters, and we observe ns observations in cluster s, for a total of $n=\sum_{s=1}^{S}n_{s}$ observations. We handle the case with independent observations by letting each observation be in its own cluster, with S = n. Consider the linear regression of a scalar outcome Yi onto a p-vector of regressors Xi, We’re interested in inference on ℓ′β for some fixed vector ℓ ∈ ℝp. Let X, u, and Y denote the design matrix, and error and outcome vectors, respectively. For any n × k matrix M, let Ms denote the ns × k block corresponding to cluster s, so that, for instance, Ys corresponds to the outcome vector in cluster s. For a positive semi-definite matrix M, let M1/2 be a matrix satisfying M1/2M1/2 = M, such as its symmetric square root or its Cholesky decomposition.

Assume that Denote the conditional variance matrix of u by Ω, so that Ωs is the block of Ω corresponding to cluster s. We estimate ℓ′β using OLS. In R, the OLS estimator is computed via a QR decomposition, X = QR, where QQ = I and R is upper-triangular, so we can write the estimator as It has variance

Variance estimate

We estimate V using a variance estimator that generalizes the HC2 variance estimator to clustering. Relative to the LZ2 estimator described in Imbens and Kolesár (2016), we use a slight modification that allows for fixed effects: where

and As is a generalized inverse of the symmetric square root of I − QsQs, the block of the hat matrix corresponding to cluster s. In presence of cluster-specific fixed effects, I − QsQs is not generally invertible, which necessitates taking a generalized inverse. So long as the vector doesn’t load on these fixed effects, will be unbiased under homoskedasticity, as the next result, which slightly generalizes the Theorem 1 in Pustejovsky and Tipton (2018), shows.

The proof is given in the last section. By definition of projection, L and $\ddot{W}$ are orthogonal. Condition (i) of the lemma strengthens this requirement to orthogonality within each cluster. It holds if L corresponds to a vector of cluster fixed effects, or more generally if L contains cluster-specific variables. Condition (ii) ensures that after partialling out L, it is feasible to run leave-one-cluster-out regressions. Without clustering, the condition is equivalent to the requirement that the partial leverages associated with $\ddot{W}$ are smaller than one.2

If the observations are independent, the vector of leverages (Q1Q1, …, QnQn) can be computed directly using the stats::hatvalues function. In this case, we use this function to compute $A_{i}=1/\sqrt{1-Q_{i}'Q_{i}}$ directly, and we then compute $a_{i}=A_{i}Q_{i}'\tilde{\ell}$ using vector operations. For the case with clustering, computing an inverse of I − QsQs can be expensive or even infeasible if the cluster size ns is large. We therefore use the following result, which allows us to compute as by computing a spectral decomposition of a p × p matrix.

The lemma follows from the fact that I − QsQs has eigenvalues 1 − λis and eigenvectors Qsris. More precisely, let Qs = ∑iλis1/2uisris denote the singular value decomposition of Qs, so that I − QsQs′ = ∑i(1 − λis)uisuis, and we can take As = ∑i: λis ≠ 1(1 − λis)−1/2uisuis. Then, where the second equality uses Qsris = λis1/2uis.

Degrees of freedom correction

Let G be an n × S matrix with columns (I − QQ′)sas. Then the Bell and McCaffrey (2002) adjustment sets the degrees of freedom to Since $(G' G)_{st}=a_{s}'(I-QQ')_{s}(I-QQ)_{t}'a_{t}=a_{s}(\1{s=t}-Q_{s}Q_{t}')a_{t}$, the matrix GG can be efficiently computed as Note that B is an S × p matrix, so that computing the degrees of freedom adjustment only involves p × p matrices: If the observations are independent, we compute B directly as B <- a*Q, and since ai is a scalar, we have

The Imbens and Kolesár (2016) degrees of freedom adjustment instead sets

where Ω̂ is an estimate of the Moulton (1986) model of the covariance matrix, under which Ωs = σϵ2Ins + ριnsιns. Using simple algebra, one can show that in this case, where which can again be computed even if the clusters are large. The estimate Ω̂ replaces σϵ2 and ρ with analog estimates.

Proof of Lemma 1

The estimator of the block of V associated with W implied by is given by which is unbiased under homoskedasticity if for each s, We will show that holds. To this end, we first claim that under conditions (i) and (ii), $\ddot{W}_{s}$ is in the column space of I − QsQs (a claim that’s trivial if this matrix is full rank). Decompose $I-QQ'=I-H_{\ddot{W}}-H_{L}$, where $H_{\ddot{W}}$ and HL are hat matrices associated with $\ddot{W}$ and L. The block associated with cluster s can thus be written as $I-Q_{s}Q_{s}'=I-L_{s}(L' L)^{-1}L_{s}'-\ddot{W}_{s}(\ddot{W}'\ddot{W})^{-1}\ddot{W}_{s}'$. Let $B_{s}=\ddot{W}_{s}(\ddot{W}'\ddot{W}-\ddot{W}_{s}'\ddot{W}_{s})^{-1}\ddot{W}'\ddot{W}$, which is well-defined under condition (ii). Then, using condition (i), we get proving the claim. Letting C denote the symmetric square root of I − QsQs, the left-hand side of can therefore be written as where the second equality follows by the definition of a generalized inverse.


Bell, Robert M., and Daniel F. McCaffrey. 2002. “Bias Reduction in Standard Errors for Linear Regression with Multi-Stage Samples.” Survey Methodology 28 (2): 169–81.
Imbens, Guido W., and Michal Kolesár. 2016. “Robust Standard Errors in Small Samples: Some Practical Advice.” Review of Economics and Statistics 98 (4): 701–12.
Moulton, Brent R. 1986. “Random Group Effects and the Precision of Regression Estimates.” Journal of Econometrics 32 (3): 385–97.
Pustejovsky, James E., and Elizabeth Tipton. 2018. “Small-Sample Methods for Cluster-Robust Variance Estimation and Hypothesis Testing in Fixed Effects Models.” Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 36 (4): 672–83.

  1. We thank Bruce Hansen for comments and Ulrich Müller for suggesting to us a version of Lemma 2 below.↩︎

  2. To see this, let $H=\ddot{W}(\ddot{W}'\ddot{W})^{-1}\ddot{W}'$ denote the partial projection matrix. Since H = H2, so that Hii = 1 iff $\sum_{j\neq i}\ddot{W}_{j}\ddot{W}_{j}'$ is reduced rank.↩︎